The Fryatt Valley
Getaway to an unforgettable alpine wonderland
The Fryatt Valley is a lesser-known area of Jasper National Park with inspiring alpine scenery, clear mountain streams, and tremendous opportunities for peaceful exploration. Off the beaten path and unforgettable!
Distance = 40 km (24.9 mi)
Highest elevation = 2040m (6293ft)
Elevation gain/loss = +950m (+3117ft) / -150m (-492ft)

Guided hiking and interpretation
Accommodation in a backcountry hut
3 meals\day
Price: $795/person + tax
Call or email to book.
Day 1: Fryatt trailhead to backcountry hut (20 km/12.4 mi)
Day 2-3: Day trips in the Fryatt Valley
Day 4: Fryatt Valley back to trailhead (20 km/12.4 mi)