The Tonquin Valley
A wilderness adventure
The Tonquin Valley is a wild place tucked at the foot of Amethyst lake and sheltered under the impressive rock wall of the Ramparts. Grizzly bears and the endangered woodland caribou meander the meadows and options abound to explore this incredible area from our comfortable lodge.
Distance = 43.7 km (26.7 mi)
Highest elevation = 2210m (7251ft)
Elevation gain/loss = +1050m (+3445ft) / -1300m (-4265ft)

Guided hiking and interpretation
Accommodation at a backcountry lodge
3 meals/day
Price: $795/person + tax
Call or email to book.
Day 1: Astoria Trailhead to Tonquin Valley (20 km/12.4 mi)
Day 2-3: Day trips in the Tonquin Valley
Day 4: Tonquin Valley to Astoria Trailhead (20 km/12.4 mi)